Monday, December 13, 2010


Meowmy says no matter what, I am her sunshine.  She says I make her smile because I am so cute.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


You know how they say Separation makes the heart grow fonder and Don't know what you've got til it's gone?  Well, apparently those are very true.  I spent most of the day in my room, locked up like a prisoner.  I didn't mind too much since I napped in my makeshift cave.

Mom put me in my room this morning so Davis could hang out with them for a bit.  Except that Mr. Crybaby refused to go back to his room so I had to stay in my room all day.  They didn't want to force him upstairs since he feels compelled to hide when I am around.  Apparently it's only fair that Davis gets to roam the house if he feels like it and I experience being cooped up in my room all day.  He finally went to his room to have a late afternoon kibble snack and now I am out.

Meowmy missed me a lot!  She was so happy to see me.  I think she is much more appreciative of me now.  Mom said nobody followed her around or helped her bake cookies.  I love being mommy's shadow and I guess she does too!

Monday, November 01, 2010


Meowmy says I am meaty.  I am the smallest but weigh the most.  Do computer wires and cardboard have calories?  I thought only meat did.  Daddy is showing good training potential.  He's finally learning that my bedtime means lights out for everyone in my room.  I sit at the door and cry until he gives up and leaves.  Hee hee

In other mews, Christmas is coming.  I expect Santa Claws to bring me something good this year.  They are talking about an electric fence.  Daddy said I am so stubborn I will probably run through it.  Meowmy is trying to convince him to get me my own sofa.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Meowmy is slowly switching us to a raw diet.  Mmmmm...turkey.  I like it because it costs more money.  :)  Angel and I are cleaning our plates nicely.  Dummy Davis has the sniffles again so he's not eating as much.  In other mews, I have lots of Da Bird feathers waiting for me.  Mommy bought two dozen.  I like her.  She is so trainable!

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Singing the Blues

Owwwww...I'm in timeout...owwwww...  Meowmy seems to be ignoring my soulful cries.  I didn't even DO anything!  I went into Davis' room and made him scream.  How come I get in trouble when he's the one who screamed?  I think this means I won't be getting any treats tonight.  This morning, she put me on the floor after she got tired of my begging and jostling for her breakfast.  That woman is getting meaner every day!

Mommy calls me PIT--Princess-in-Training.  She and Daddy think I am becoming a diva.  They have no idea what's coming...

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Weekend Mews

Today is St. Francis of Assisi's feast day.   Since our church is named for the patron saint of animals,  it has an annual blessing of the animals.  Mommy wanted to get me blessed.  Pah!  Good thing the schedule wasn't right.  I heard dogs and horses go.  All the more reason for me not to.

It's been a boring weekend.  Mommy shared her waffles with me this morning.  I got yelled at for chewing wires.  Those humans know the rules:  don't leave anything that they don't want damaged unattended.  Simple, no?  Daddy's going to start yelling at the tv in a few minutes, so I better make myself scarce.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

New Regime

Hiya! Meowmy has relinquished her blog to step closer to world domination, heh heh heh. My name is Cara. I am four years old. I can't wait to share all my thoughts with you. Mommy's only rule is I have to keep that stupid picture of George up. Everything else will change when I get a chance. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and visit often!

Oh, and so you don't think I'm some little push-over, here's what my teeth look like:

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dumb and Dumber

Dumbfuck left a voice mail. Somebody had a question about their service contract with us. She couldn't explain the difference between a subcontract and consultant agreement. Oh, did I mention she is a business/contracts manager? I guess when you shake your ass and show cleavage to married men (despite being married herself) you can get away with being stupid and not knowing any aspect of your job after TWO YEARS. Apparently that big melon head has no brains in it.

But incompetence reigns. Voldemort is as pathetic as ever. Once, she lamented that she wished she could go on vacation for three weeks. Malfoy said she could, if she was willing to let me handle the work in her absence. She promptly dropped the subject and never brought it up again. How insecure must one be to not allow others to pick up the slack? I mean, cross-training others means being able to go on vacation for weeks at a time!! Hilarious, really. What a loser. Maybe that's why Voldemort still mow neighbors' lawns.

In other news...thinking I should let Cara take over this blog. Lots of good and happy things going on. Guess you'll have to contact me if you want to know. Heh.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Die, Witch, DIE

One more reason why if given a choice, I will save an animal and not a human. I hope the bitch gets what's coming to her. May she live in fear despite the police protection.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Papa Grizzly

Haven't felt like sharing much, as you can tell. Papa Grizzly has made my wish come true. I'm getting a baby girl! YAY!!! I already have the cutest little boy, Elliott...and he is beyond precious. I love my little dumpling. And now I will have a girl!!

It's been rough lately but I am pleasantly surprised by the kindness from relative strangers. It's been eye-opening and helped me re-evaluate things. Life is too short to be stuck with things/people that suck.