Thursday, September 04, 2008


This is so funny I can't decide if it's offensive. I hit bingo four times. Without the stork.


Bri said...

I'll admit to the new baby smell one. The rest really would be jaw dropping. :P

goo2girl said...

I loooove new baby smell! But I've never gotten that comment before. "you guys would be good parents" and "labor is worth it" are the most common.

emily said...

I'm in shock you hit bingo four times already!!!

goo2girl said...

The only ones I haven't gotten (yet):

The only reason to get married...

But the Bible said...

New baby smell...

You aren't a real adult...

Genetic immortality--this one, I've gotten a variation: "don't you want your genes to live on in a mini-Goo?" Um, no. Anyone who knows me probably THANKS me for not contaminating this world with more of my flaws. :)

It's weird how some people are sad and wistful we don't want children. "sigh...what a would make such a good treat your cats so well! you love piglet! how can you not want to have children?" cracks me up!

Bri said...

You know what's interesting is that people get all wistful and sunshine-y about babies (aka children) if they want you to have a baby but once you do cross over into breeder-landia - what I get most of the time is complaining/ commiserating/etc. Interesting....