Saturday, April 11, 2009

Look what I can do!!

Ok, I know I am a dork, but I am extremely proud of myself for having figured out 1) how to convert my huge video file into a tidy 7MB (thanks Em for pointing me to iMovie!) 2) how to upload it all by myself! It's a bit grainy but at least I get to share. :)


emily said...

haha you weren't kidding about her! and boy does she get a lot of treats! but she sure told you when she was done, eh?

goo2girl said...

Seriously, right?! Cara leaves the moment the treats stop coming. Her treats are Liv-a-Littles chicken breast. I break them into tiny pieces so I can go through the motion of feeding more often. When she's really happy (i.e. big chunks of treats) Cara will stretch her toes.