Where do I even begin...I think I get at least one Good Mom Point for being so observant and in tune with my kitties. QE was convinced that Cara was fine last night. I knew something was off but I didn't know what. This morning, I found Cara with a sad tail. Our baby
always has a happy perky tail pointing straight up when she sees me. Something with definitely wrong with my little baby. Turns out her tail got bitten. We think it was Davis. The vet's office says that facial wounds mean the cat was the aggressor; tail wounds mean she was trying to run away and thus the victim. Cara is never a victim of anything other that evil mom's belly nuzzles. We were sent on our way with antibiotics and a bill equivalent to a Knit Happens sale. (It's a good thing I skipped the sale, eh?!) The staff advised to wait until Cara is "less mad" before administering the antibiotics. WTH I cautiously asked if she bit anyone. Everyone eyed me carefully before saying no, but she was very angry at everyone. Oh dear. I swear our file is a-la-Elaine from Seinfeld. "Crazy mom convinced her cats hate each other. Gets separation anxiety when she has to drop them off. A total pill. The newest cat is a demon."
8 PM hour: ok, I can't start the weekend on such heartbreaking thoughts (for me at least). Poor Cara ate some food about four hours ago and has been hiding/sleeping since. I didn't even bother with the canned food drama--everyone got all kibble tonight. It just breaks my heart to see my baby in pain. This totally sucks. See, one more good reason why I just cannot have human children--I would probably be one of those psycho moms who freaks at her child's papercut. (Side story: someone brought their daughter into work a few weeks ago, maybe age 8ish. She lost her two adult front teeth bc another girl pushed her. Without thinking, I asked if she pushed the girl back. Her mom bugged her eyes at me. Ooops!)
This boy was a sweetie. He drooled when I petted him.
This little girl cried every time I paid attention to someone else.
This little fellow was simply hilarious. He and his brother were so tiny it was unreal. The camera really does add five pounds. :)