Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Santa Claws

(sniff) You stink. You smell like beef and cheese! You don't smell like Santa.

Santa came early this year. Our kids are so spoiled. We won a raffle held by our favorite store, PetSage. I love the knowledgeable staff and how the owner cares about our kitties' well-being and not just her profits. Earlier this year, she removed most of her dry cat food because they didn't meet her standards. She's got a degree in animal nutrition or something like that. Anyway, we won! This picture doesn't show the gift well, but I love Davis' facial expression. More on Flickr. I thought it was a sleigh shaped scratcher but it's not quite that. It was displayed very high up so I didn't get a good view of it. We won't talk about the price sticker on it, eh?

We put up a tree this year (didn't last year bc of travel) and the kids love it. Davis has this ability to be quietly laying down somewhere and quickly slip into the library when he hears the doors open. He's really good at it too. Like her nemesis, Cara loves to chew on the pine needles. Despite them being FAKE. She's much slicker than Davis though. He goes "ooh, tree!" and starts chomping. Cara takes her time. "La la la...I'm just laying her like a good little girl, mom. What? I can sniff the tree if I want." nibble nibble, CHOMP!

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