Saturday, July 25, 2009

Food, Inc.

Really good movie. It didn't present anything I didn't already know, but it's very different seeing it than reading it. I am glad to be vegetarian. If nothing else, it makes life so much simpler from not having to worry about meat handling and cooking. The meat industry is...cruel. The companies don't care about the workers any more than they do the animals. The Smithfield story was disgusting and appalling.

One thing that did shock me is all the sell-outs in the "natural" market. Tom's of Maine got bought by Colgate. Stonyfield Farm is now owned by the Dannon people. Kashi is Kelloggs. I already knew Morningstar, Boca, Jason, Eden, a few others were owned by The Man. Does it matter if the acquired company maintains its core values and missions? I don't know. Most small companies aspire to eventually sell and cash in for their hard work, as they should.

The truth is, we can't avoid the conglomerates. Monsanto IS soybeans. Most chicken, cow and pig farmers are contract farmers to Tysons, Perdue, Smithfield, etc. One farmer lost her contract with Perdue because she refused to transition to the new windowless tunnel housing for chickens. She wanted to keep her sheds with windows. I personally think it was an excuse. She lost her contract because she agreed to let cameras inside the chicken houses. Tysons visited one farmer in KY who originally agreed and after several visits from Tysons, "changed his mind".

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