Sunday, October 21, 2007

Spanx Me

Spanx rocks. Why didn't anyone tell me about this for my wedding? Or just share their secret, period??? Now I know why even chunky girls had smooth asses while I avoided pants for the last 5 years. I've only tried the footless pantyhose and I love it. The legs are stretchy without being constricting. The "control top" works its magic without constricting or creating muffies. I forgot I was wearing it. I am dying to try the camisole ($38!!!) and power panties but dang! must it be so darn expensive?

I am officially un-vegetarian today. I had a wild Alaskan salmon salad from Cosi. It was delish, but my stomach feels heavy. It was very good though. This is downright hilarious considering what happened last night.

QE and I were at Harris Teeter stocking up on vegetarian frozen meals for this workweek's lunches. Dad had called earlier in the day inviting us to dim sum today. We accepted until QE realized there wasn't much we could eat. I called dad back to decline the invite and explained I was so used to being vegetarian that I forgot dim sum wasn't veggie-friendly. I had told dad a few weeks ago we were going veggie and he replied, "It's good you're eating less meat. More veggies is good for you." hahaha This time, dad was still fully supportive of our vegetarianism but said "how long are you doing this for?" and "you can have fish. Fish isn't meat." BWAH! We've gone no red meat and vegetarian for Lent before, so dad thought we were in another one of our "phases". What's hilarious is that dad was trying to convince me fish wasn't meat and vegetarians eat fish. He wasn't argumentative about it at all. He just didn't see fish as meat, so it was ok to eat in his mind. Gotta love dear old dad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so you don't eat fish?