Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pale and Weak

Spoke to dad on Sunday. He said that if I felt weak or faint, I need to eat some meat. He said it's ok to eat fish and I should do so regularly. If I have stomach or belly troubles or pain, I should eat some meat. "It's great you are eating more vegetables, but it's ok to eat meat too." I need to come up with some crazy response that is totally outrageous that he will think I need a mental hospital. :) "The government wants us to eat meat because that's they way they track us. They feed secret dyes to animals that show up in our bodies and can be viewed with classified tracking devices." Or maybe "I hear animals crying, Dad! Every time I even see meat, I hear this awful wailing in my head!" hahaha

I finished piglet's argyle vest. The yarn dye lots were the same, but the front and back seem to be different shades. Still need to block SIL's scarf. I went through one ball of Big Wool for my scarf and decided to rip it all out. Stockinette tends to curl and against my better judgment, I proceeded with it anyway. I now have a nice scarf in garter stitch that is divinely soft. Next projects: a cabled hat for my brother or a bunting for piglet. I'll finish both in November, so it's just a matter of which I want to do first. I think I will start and possibly finish a scarf for my bro too and save a baby blanket for the flight.

FINALLY get to order a turkey tomorrow. Whole Foods hasn't updated their site to say they are taking orders, so I might order from My Organic Market instead. Thanksgiving is three weeks away! Why isn't anyone planning yet??? I'm a smidge disappointed we're not having tofurkey this year, but it's more curiosity than anything else.

November also marks our 5th anniversary with Davis. I think we will roast him a chicken or maybe just some chicken breasts. We have lots of meat in our freezer that shouldn't go to waste. Ooh! Maybe I should cook up extra and share it with those less fortunate, like the poor, skinny kitties I see running around our neighborhood. This cat love karma I have is really interesting actually. On the day we moved into our house, a cat was sitting in our driveway, as if to welcome us to the neighborhood and our new home. See, cat love goes both ways. They love me too. puuurrrrrr


Unknown said...

Since you're not having a Tofurkey this year, how about tofu stuffing, tofutatoes with tofugravy, and for dessert a tofupie?

goo2girl said...

Hmmm...I might have to try that. My mission will be to sneak in tofu wherever I can. Veggie broth instead of chicken broth for the gravy! Vegans unite!