Friday, November 02, 2007

National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week

November 4-10th is National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week.

We can't adopt every animal out there, but we can make their lives better. Please consider donating old towels, dog and cat toys, kitty litter, food, bowls, and other supplies. Every dollar shelters don't spend on supplies is a dollar available to help an animal in need. Remember that not every animal is lucky enough to get adopted. Let's try to make their short lives a bit more comfortable and loving, however brief. Visit the shelter and tell the animals they are loved. It may be the last time they hear "I love you".

The ILs are all coming. I was hoping the brother would decline and stick to their usual tradition, which involves going across the mountain far far away. I'm not the nicest person in the world, but I'm trying to improve myself. So.Freakin.Difficult. While I don't have an issue with handling a dead animal, I am irrationally afraid of eating the happy bird I ordered. I'm sure she will taste delish, but I'm not really looking forward to it. When I think "Thanksgiving", visions of stuffing and mashed potatoes fill my head. But then again I've never been a turkey fan. Maybe I'll give my portion to the Goo kitties and the homeless kitties shivering outside.

Amidst all my planning, I realized just how lucky and blessed we are to face "difficult" decisions such as "organic or free range turkey". Yes, we have worked very hard to achieve and accomplish so much, but many less fortunate households work just as hard if not harder. Nobody should have to choose between heat and food. Maybe next year I should cook for a needy family instead of lavishing a bounty of food on ourselves. How nice would that be? Just my luck, they will probably sue me for food poisoning or an allergic reaction. No good deed goes unpunished they say.

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