Friday, November 23, 2007

I feel the storm inside you

Did you see my beloved Goo Goo Dolls as the halftime show for the Packers game? We were sitting in the dining room post-feast when I heard the melody for Better Days. I thought it was just background music for whatever montage they were showing. I go in the family room to check it out. I screamed "They are live!!!" and the MIL wondered what got into me. John was heavily made up but his voice rocked as usual. After Better Days they performed Stay With You. Throughout the performance, I noticed the cameras never panned in on Robbie. I wonder if that was intentional. Maybe he was drunk or had a bad hair/makeup day. After the halftime show, there was a clip of John urging us to help United Way or something. Terrible angle of his face and it was so obvious he was reading a script. My Goo is playing Vegas again this year for NYE at HOB. Sigh. We went one year. Great memories.

Open invitation to contact me offline if you are interested: I have two $10 off coupons for a haircut at PR@Partners in Bristow with Megan. The cost for a shampoo, cut, style and scalp massage would be $25 after the coupon. Since I'm all about full disclosure, I'm supposed to get a free haircut if I refer two people. I don't really care about that. I wish I could use those coupons myself, but I can't. So next best thing is to share the love and deals with y'all. :)

As our travel dates near, I'm getting more anxious about leaving my kitties at the pet resort. What if Davis goes on a hunger strike because he's depressed? What if Angel gets mad at me for leaving her? What if Cara meets a human she loves more? What if they get germs and ickies at the facility? We will apply Frontline on them, but that could cause a reaction too. I'm not fond of chemicals, but it's probably better than leaving them exposed.

The MIL has already declared that she doesn't "feel like doing Christmas" this year and won't be giving gifts. She knows she will get gifts even if she doesn't give any. Nice gig. Where can I find one like that?

In the week he's been born, my piglet has tormented his parents much to my delight. My brother reported an exploding diaper where poop was everywhere. And he had to clean it up. On the first night home! HAHAHAHAHA Wednesday night, piglet got a feeding at 12:00 AM and was cranky. He couldn't sleep and took a poop instead. They got him cleaned up and shortly thereafter it was time for another feeding at 3:00 AM. Piget then had a tummyache and mild diarrhea. Another cleanup. He didn't go to sleep until 6:00 AM. HAHAHAHAHAHA I don't think his cuteness offsets his poops. But it's hilarious to hear he's calling the shots and nobody can sleep if he can't sleep.


emily said...

Did see your goos! Did your boy gain weight or is that the make up?

goo2girl said...

John has always had a funky shaped face. Almost squarish. He had on way too much makeup. He's 'good looking' for photo shoots but is less than beautiful in real life. Camera tricks! :)