Saturday, January 03, 2009

Chimp Choc

I came home Christmas Eve to find clumps of fur in Davis' room. No visible injuries. The white fur belongs to Cara and the gray fuzz is Davis'. What's weird is that Cara doesn't have much white or cream fur anymore. Only a small section on her neck and a patch between her legs.

USA Network had a 24-hour Elf marathon on NYE. I was so excited. It was comforting knowing Elf was on constant loop. And it's so much funnier when I actually pay attention to the details of the movie.

We watched Stepbrothers and now QE will spontaneously crack up over some stupid scene. Boats and Hoes.

2008 was a bad year for most people, methinks. We still have our house and jobs so I guess we're lucky. Angel got her bladder stones removed, Cara got her ass whooped several times including one tail bite, and Davis started staying in his room until his evil sister was tucked in for the night.

Lifting from GP's bff, here's a list. I love lists.

Accomplishments: I managed to keep my job despite having a cloud over my head daily. I made some cute knitted toys.

Best new book read in 2008: Pet Food Politics. Further confirms that the US food supply is not safe and that the government does not care about us.

Worst new book read in 2008: Nora Ephron's I Feel Bad About My Neck. It was so menopausal I didn't even finish it.

Best book re-read in 2008: Don't re-read books generally.

Worst book re-read in 2008: See above, but couldn't imagine that I would re-read one that I wouldn't enjoy

Best new movie seen in 2008: Dude, I can't remember what I wore yesterday. No way I can remember what came out or what I watched. I saw King Corn, so that can be my favorite since it's the only one I remember.

Worst new movie seen in 2008: Knocked Up. Katherine Heigl is a bitch and ugly to boot. She needs to get over herself. No talent ass clown.

Best decision made in 2008: Didn't walk out on my job, although I daydreamed about it constantly. I contributed to my first and probably last political campaign. I started volunteering.

Worst decision made in 2008: I try not to have regrets. Everything should be a lesson learned. Hearing about all the animal abuses, abandoned kitties and meezers who died was heartbreaking though. I only knew about cats who died and were mourned by their humans. Millions more died alone, scared, and in a shelter.

Best purchase made in 2008: Cat toys that made Cara happy and kept her entertained, Angel's heated bed. Thanks to a Ravelry spoiler, I discovered my favorite chocolate. It's 72% dark choc and proceeds goes to help protect species, environment, etc. The wrapper has chimpanzees on it.

Worst purchase made in 2008: ugly yarn

Best month of 2008: November--Obama won. He gave me hope. Then he decided I was rich and should get a tax increase. Still love him though. Maybe June too, since Wegmans opened. QE and I decided we would hug Danny and his wife if we ever met them.

Worst month of 2008: pick one. They all sucked. How about March. That's when I turned a year older. This year will be worse. Acknowledgments of that horrible day will get you smacked. hahaha


Bri said...

I know where Danny lives - and his 5 other ex-wives. I'll show you someday. Then you can hug him. :)

goo2girl said...

Does he really have that many ex-wives? I have no idea how we ever managed to buy groceries before Wegmans came along.

Darin said...

Yeah, I saw my "BFF" at the gym like two or three times last week. It's kinda creepy. I've only seen her walking from place to place, never really doing anything except chatting with her friends--but then again, I may not want to see her running.

emily said...

That's one heck of a list! For some reason your bit on Heigl cracked me up. I don't know why - I have no strong feelings either way on her.