Friday, September 07, 2007

Unfit Mother

I've always been fairly honest and vocal about how just because women have the ability to conceive doesn't mean they should become mothers. I think I fall into the "shouldn't" category. Case in point: Davis and Cara are still facing off daily. A simple look (ok, staredown) from Cara will cause Davis to go into fits and scream. Sometimes she goes away, sometimes it leads to a full confrontation. His screams sounds like a woman getting beaten up. Horrible and scary. Last night, they were at it again as we were fixing a late dinner, this time on the stairs. I got fed up with both of them and smacked both on their side/butt. Davis was shocked and started to sneeze (he sneezes when he's under significant stress). Cara retreated to her room, none worse for the wear.

As dinner was cooking, Davis was in his corner of the kitchen watching. I go over to make up with him and make sure he's ok. He avoids my eye contact and retreats to the sofa, ignoring me. My little boy was mad at me! I hurt his feelings and he was scared of me! I go over to the sofa and try petting him again. This time, he allows me to pet him but still won't look at me. We made up by the end of the night, but I learned a lesson for sure. Animals do have feelings, at least those with whom we share our lives.

Last night's face-off wasn't any worse than any of their other fights, but I was fed up with it. Was I wrong to smack them? I don't know. Did they realize they shouldn't fight? Not sure. Will I smack them again if necessary? Probably. Don't get me wrong, I've never smacked any of the kids until last night. I don't think parents should hit their kids (human or otherwise) on a regular basis as a means of punishment. But sometimes, I think a good smack (just one) is enough to remind them who is boss and that their behavior will not be tolerated. That is obviously frowned upon in this day and age and strangers will not hesitate to report "child abuse". I think that is why kids are more out of control now than say 15 years ago. Good thing I won't be a mother to a human child...I would probably get carted off to jail or the kid would get taken into Child Protective Services or something.

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