Thursday, September 27, 2007

Welcome to Sucksville, Loser!

But wait, I thought I was already in Sucksville!

I sent QE a job posting for a company that I thought is awesome (and would require relocation!) Ok, so I didn't read the description very closely, but it seemed up his alley. QE writes back it's a grunt position, hence the name calling. The benefits and perks for said company are very good, but many favor parents and the birthing of children. Why can't the rest of us get the same kind of benefits? I'm not advocating suffering for parents, but shouldn't we all get equal opportunity to duck out of work early? Soccer practice, PTA meeting, hot date, yarn sale, Goo Goo Dolls on Oprah...should the reason matter? If I take off to care for my hubby with the flu, is that less important than caring for a child with the flu? What a crock!

On a different note, QE found a George Michael import compilation CD at Barnes and Noble. It's not as extensive as Ladies and Gentlemen, but still cool. The listening station's review said as much and also noted that the US version to be released will be a 3-disc set, with the third disc containing rarities so obscure only the most diehard fans would care. Well, DUH! Here I am, George! I want it!

My dear George and his beloved blue-eyed Kenny were the secret benefactors of the John Lennon piano that has been mysteriously showing up in random locations across the US (check out the article in The Wall Street Journal). George bought the piano several years ago and recently began using it to promote peace and love. They are targeting places that have experienced violence, hatred, or sadness, such as Colombine, New Orleans, etc. Surprisingly, some towns, schools, and other venues have declined the offer to display the piano. I think it's pretty cool that this piano shows up in a field or a parking lot and people are free to touch it, play it and just be. Admire. Think. Imagine.

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