Saturday, October 27, 2007

Not Eating Good in the Hood

We shun microwave restaurants like Chili's, Applebees, Ruby Tuesday, TGIFridays, etc. Why pay $10 for food we can microwave ourselves? This unofficial ban has been in place for a good 3-5 years. Tonight, we decided to give these CAFOs a second chance. I mean, they know competition is fierce and have been trying to differentiate themselves from the pack, so they deserved a second chance. We chose Applebees and wished we didn't. The menu looked fine for a meat lover, but there was not a single vegetarian dish. Not even a token hockey puck veggie burger to be found. QE got a panko crusted shrimp that looked more like chicken-fried shrimp. I ordered the cajun tilapia from the Weight Watchers menu. I figured tilapia is farm raised, but vegetarian, so at least the fish didn't eat fish meal and byproduct. Tilapia is also less harmful to the environment than farm-raised Atlantic salmon. The fish was quite good, actually. We were just surprised that a restaurant that tries for universal appeal would totally ignore vegetarians. I mean, what if a group of friends wanted to meet up and one was a vegetarian? Most likely (if the group were considerate, good friends), they would pick another place in hopes the vegetarian would be able to find something to eat. So, despite having what looks like a decent menu, Applebees lost two customers for not having anything that remotely resembled vegetarian fare.

. . .

Had to get cat food, so poor me, QE took me to Knit Happens since we were in the hood. I used my Insatiable Knitter Card and saved $27! Let's not talk about how much I spent, eh? :) I got five skeins of Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino in a violet blue color, four balls of Rowan Pure Wool in baby blue, two balls of Rowan Big Wool in beige, a pair of size 5 Addi Natura, and Lantern Moon rosewood straights in size 17 for the Big Wool. The Natura are pretty darn cool. The bamboo is so smooth and slick--I like it much more than Clover, but my Clovers are still nice. The LMs are my first pair of rosewood. They feel delish. I can't wait to use them.

I am almost done with the argyle vest for piglet. Next project might be my Big Wool scarf for myself. I also ordered a baby bunting and a set of four baby blanket patterns from Morehouse Farm.

QE and I decided (actually it was his idea) that if his peeps decide not to come for Thanksgiving, we'll have a Tofurkey. I'm now hoping they all decline our invitation. In addition to not eating meat, it will mean a lot less work for me. Yes, Thanksgiving is all about me. Plus, the kid is allergic to cats. His eyes swelled up when he played with the neighbor's cat.


Anonymous said...

Tough life being a vegetarian. I can't imagine. I can't give up a nice juicy steak or at least a turkey breast cesear salad. Speaking of turkey, you guys are gonna have a tofurkey for thanksgiving?? OMG.

emily said...

Yeah, we determined that those places are just not worth it. And really, you aren't THAT surprised that they have no veggie options, are you? I would put Applebys below a few of those other restaurants you mentioned.