Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Family Reunion

It feels so good to be reunited with the kitties!!! The house was so empty and lonely without the kids. I entered the library this morning without anyone hauling tail to slip in before I closed the door. Nobody woke us up requesting breakfast (I still woke up at 4:00 though). The kitties seemed a bit indifferent to our arrival at the resort. Maybe it was all the commotion. The resort reported that the kids got along with the other cats. No hissing or other issues. HEY! NOT FAIR! Davis still hates Cara but she seems to back off a bit now. It's probably jealousy, so we'll try to make Cara feel loved even if she doesn't like to be held. The kitties smell weird. They don't have their personal scents. I never realized how comforting I found their essence until now. Everyone seems to be settling in. Davis is more skittish than his sisters. Hopefully things will be back to normal tomorrow.

Our boy looks really thin. The resort said that all three snubbed the canned food served. Davis has special needs and usually eats his kibble off the rug in his room. I suspect he didn't eat much at the resort since dry food was served in a metal bowl. He is so skinny that I am worried about him. Hopefully I can bulk him up in the next month or so. It won't be the end of the world if he only eats kibble, I suppose.

Santa Claws came early this year. Cara's room is also our computer room/office, so she doesn't have a perch to look out the window. Apparently Miss Honeybutt decided windowsills are below her royal status. I asked QE for a small tree for Cara as my Christmas gift this year. He groaned since we got Angel and Davis a big tree last year. PetSage had an open house the weekend before we left and held a raffle. We won the most perfect cat tree!!! It has two U-shaped perches that are perfect for sunny naps or looking out the window. We could not have asked for a better cat tree for Cara! In typical big-sister fashion, Angel inspected the tree and decided it will be her new venue for afternoon naps.

The pet resort took wonderful care of our precious babies. I am so grateful that such a business exists to serve high-maintenance pills like me. :) I am not sure I ever want to be away from my kids for that long again though. The best news is that they only charged us for seven days and not eight. That saved us over $120. Yay!

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