Sunday, May 18, 2008

Chicken Guts

Finished the Cinderella socks. It's a smidge small/short in the foot. That's what I get for not doing gauge. :) Tried to look for neat cardigan patterns and ran into two obstacles--I either don't have enough yarn for the project or the pattern is only written in one size, usually 34-inch bust. Um, yeah. I have boobs, jugs, hooters. My rib cage is probably 34 inches without any boobage.

Had a great time at Polyface and made a few friends. It's weird to know that my mental image of a farm rarely exists in the real world. I hope the animals at Polyface know how lucky they are to be living there. Chipotle execs were at the farm too, to talk business about whether Polyface can supply piggies for all VA stores or maybe supply beef and chicken for the C-ville store. We went to that Chipotle--QE said the meat seemed drier since it is leaner and cooked in-store.

I've realized that I loooove getting packages. Probably explains why I've been buying stuff online. It's quite click a few times, enter your info and voila! Things start showing up at the door!


Bri said...

I love online shopping too. Packages. Instant gratification. Always having your size, color, whatever. It's FANTASTIC!

emily said...

metoo!!! must stop!