Sunday, May 04, 2008

Credit Card Baby

I suck. I can't bring myself to splurge on full-priced yarn. Went to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival and didn't bring my A-game. I found good prices on needles but my collection is already fairly complete. I could use Addis in different lengths (all but one is 24 inches), but I don't NEED them since I rarely do blankets or other large items. One booth had a loooong line of 40+ people. Ridiculous. I checked out the commotion and the yarns were about $22/hank. Maybe they knew a secret I didn't.

I guess the prices weren't too bad given most of the yarn were 100+ gram hanks. It got pretty crowded in the afternoon. Jostling through waves of people isn't my idea of fun (I'm anti-social like that) and gladly passed on any deals if it meant fighting my way through to the goods.


emily said...

Did you have a good time? :)

goo2girl said...

Yeah, we did. It didn't seem as...exciting(?) as last time. Maybe seeing sheep for the first time was much more thrilling. They were all very cute and I still loved their baaaas. QE and I both wish I bought more yarn. It's hard to buy yarn when I already have such a huge stash. Huge.

emily said...

I feel your "pain." I don't have NEARLY the stash you do, and I can't justify buying more yarn - regardless of a sale!