Friday, August 01, 2008

Soul Free

My monkey seems a bit scrawny. He was a PITA to knit using dpns but it was probably more tolerable than seaming per the pattern. I think I am willing to make one more, maybe with him wearing pants.

Surprisingly, I haven't been knitting as much as I want to this week. These old bones need longer to recover from a concert now. My voice is back but my belly still hurts. We visited my mom at work to show her my gorgeous concert tee and she goes "is that your Goo Goo?" No ma, it's George! Don't you recognize George? "What?! I thought you were over him in high school! Definitely in college! Oh dear..."
There was a review of George's concert in yesterday's paper. They mentioned his last concert in the US was 17 years ago. I was there. Seven.teen years ago. Ouch. QE and I (ok, mostly me) are still re-living the concert. Oh so awesome. Sigh...oh George.

I accidentally gave up info about 1986. QE was hysterical.


emily said...

that is a cute-ass monkey!

Bri said...

MONKEY HAT! GEORGE! I've been on vacation! Soo much to catch up on!

goo2girl said...

I finished the pink hat earlier tonight. Very cute. Love the pink. :) Started the monster pants already.