Thursday, November 20, 2008


Six years ago today, I took the day off work to pick up my buddy from the shelter. I got there as soon as it opened because I didn't want my boy to be in there any longer than he had to. My precious boy only cost us $23--feline leukemia test $15, flea treatment $5, collar $3. Talk about the deal of the century! Seriously though, it kinda makes me wonder why anyone would pay $300 to a breeder. We met Davis the weekend before at a public shelter. He was in the sick room because he caught a cold. I held him against my belly. He purred. As we gazed into each other's eyes, I asked if we could be his parents. I told him I wanted to be his mommy. That was the last time I got to hold him without getting smacked or bitten.

His days were already numbered when I contacted the Humane Society about him. Knowing he would probably get put down the weekend of our meeting definitely put pressure on me to adopt him. I don't regret it though. No, Davis is not the perfect cat. He is not normal. I call him special needs, our vet who has a similar cat, calls hers "not very bright" (hahaha). Davis' little heart was broken and he was probably mistreated in his past. He had no reason to trust humans. He didn't know his name when we adopted him. He learned "Davis" in about a week or two, so I don't think his previous humans interacted with him much. It's taken a lot of love and patience for our boy to trust us. What a long journey it's been. So worth it though.

Davis sleeps between my legs in the winter. If I cough excessively, he will walk up to my face and check to see if I am ok. He dashes to greet me when I wake up. He still only purrs and drools for me. That's why we will be best buddies forever.


Bri said... forgot to mention what a gorgeous color he is - he's beautiful!

goo2girl said...

He's an amazing fellow. Davis has a big-frame but is very lean at 10 pounds 13 ounces. The girls' heads reach his shoulder height. But somehow he's afraid of his little sister. He's my delicate flower.

Anonymous said...

I found your blog from ravelry and was attracted to your gorgeous Beautiful grey cat! I love grey cats... mine died quiet a few years ago and now my staffy pup keeps me entertained and slobbered on ;) but is still love kittys and want another grey one...

Go rescue animals!!!