Thursday, July 24, 2008


Oh, I got spoiled in my Ravelry swap! KnittyK (out of respect for her privacy, I won't use her full screen name in case she uses it on other sites) put together the nicest, most thoughtful package for me. I love the scarf she knitted for me. For moi!!! I would never have the patience to knit that for myself--especially with no mistakes! Then there's the blocking. I swear KnittyK sent love in her package because everything was so nice. Like good karma nice. The purty brown/red yarn is Malabrigo--another popular yarn that gets people all worked up but I had no idea why. And the red yarn she dyed herself. It is a very rich red. So awesome. She says I should knit something for piglet with it. A shout out to my piglet! It's amazing how a "stranger" can be so nice to another human being. There's the possibility that participants can get screwed over in a swap, so to be openly nice without getting something in return is just darn warm and fuzzy.

1 comment:

emily said...

WOW! Congrats on a good swap! One day I will be involved again...