Friday, November 03, 2006

The Junkie and The Enabler

Stash is good. Stash is love. Stash is bliss. QE is taking me to the yarn store tomorrow! He said he would wear a gray scarf if I made one for him. So we get to pick out yarn. YAY! There is something addictive about fondling beautiful yarn, carefully selecting glorious fibers and taking it home. A junkie buys yarn without knowing the project. Stash is fun. And can get expensive. As a notorious cheapskate, I experience turmoil at seeing all the glorious yarn and unwilling to part with my Washingtons (I never have cash, so me and Benjamin are strangers). Tomorrow, my goal is to buy yarn for QE's scarf and hopefully some sale yarn that will join my stash. QE is already talking about next year's Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. OH YEAH. First week in May. I am psyched already.

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