Thursday, January 03, 2008

Tufts and Stones

For a "quiet and uneventful" holiday season, it sure felt quite the contrary. QE and I worked as usual, with the Tuesdays off. (so all y'all poopie pants best quit yer bellyachin!) Angel's saga continued, with me cleaning the carpet at least five times a day. It was heartbreaking to see our baby suffering through the holidays. Her surgery was yesterday and is back home now. Two stones that looked like clusters of smaller stones were attached to her bladder wall. Hopefully she feels better. The doctors said that there was no blood in her urine during the fluid pump sessions, so that's great news. She shouldn't be in any pain. Grandpa Goo called yesterday for a status on her surgery and volunteered to play nurse and medical transport if necessary. "They won't release Angel unless the bill is paid, Dad." "That's fine. You can come pay the bill and then I will take her to my place until you get off work, or I can drive her to your house." What a great grandpa!

On NYE, I came home from work to find clumps of white and brown fur in the amigos' room, and Cara with blood-stained fur on her neck. She seemed fine and oblivious to my panicked cries about her neck. On New Years Day, we had a rare day where no hisses or growls were heard. Maybe the kids wanted to start 2008 peacefully. I did notice that Cara had a weird looking ear though. Upon further examination, it appears that the brown clumps I found the day before previously belonged to her ear area. Her ear also had lots of dried and oozy blood. Cleaning that was no fun, let me just tell you. It looks like the blood was not from bites (whew!) but from getting fur pulled out. It's still gross, but at least it's not a puncture wound. What we don't understand is, why despite getting the beat down from her brother, Cara feels the need to bully Davis and pick fights with him.

As I am sitting here, our little one is curled up in her bed sleeping. Cara looks so cute. I feel bad for her at times. She sits outside the amigos' room and looks sad and jealous when they are eating or when I am with them. She gets jealous when they snuggle on me even though she has intimacy issues and would never lay on me or let me hold her. All she wants is a human to call her own and instead got stuck with parents who love her dearly but also spreads the love to two other cats. It's not fair to her. Cara is constantly bored because we don't play with her as much as we should. She deserves better and more than we can give her. That said, I would never willingly give her up. We made a commitment to take care of her and share our lives with her. Til death do us part, we promised. If I thought she could have a better life with another family, I would happily give her that opportunity. Somehow I don't think "Cara isn't happy" is a legitimate excuse the Meezer Rescue would accept for returning her.


emily said...

Big Get Well for Angel and happiness for Cara. Pic of Davis cracks me up!

Unknown said...

Cara gets the crap beat out of her by Davis?? Hahaha that's funny, but Cara probably gets a kick out of provoking Davis and watching him flip out even if it results in her losing some fuzz and walking around with some oozing blood.