Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Bags. The Anti-Kid.

Two old bags (calling them hens is offensive and insulting to female chickens--the gals from Chicken Run called and clucked me out) Anyway, two old bags at work were making anti-kid comments and then realized I might be a mother. One apologized for hating kids in front of me. Hilarious.


emily said...

Why were the hating and what did you say?

goo2girl said...

Not sure what they were talking about...some outing of sorts. One asked the other if she wanted to bring Sherman (or some weird name like that) along. I thought they were referring to a dog, actually. Bag #2 grumbled no, can't deal with him, he's annoying, etc. She caught herself and apologized to me for kid-bashing. I told her I don't have children and I'm not particularly fond of all children myself, so she didn't offend me. :) I'll be the first to admit I don't love all kids. Some, yes, but definitely not a love-every-kid-I-meet person.