Saturday, March 01, 2008

My Christmas Morning

It's about 6:30 a.m. I've been tossing and turning trying to sleep for at least half an hour. QE fed the kitties this morning but Davis refuses to go into his room unless I escort him. QE's attempts usually includes hissing and running. I got our boy into his room and went back to bed. Or at least tried to. Like a kid waiting for Christmas morning, my thoughts and excitement took over my mind and body, and now I can't sleep.

Between my yarn and the Piggies being here, I am overcome with joy and excitement. My brother and his wife look good. The piglet was sleeping (darn it!) so I couldn't hug him. Okay, so this is why I'm excited--the thought of holding piglet today is thrilling!! I'm happy and content that we don't have kids of our own (how would I maintain my yarn addiction??) but sometimes I wonder if I am missing out on some secret joy. It's weird how I've placed all my hopes and dreams into the little human we call piglet. He's not my child, but I have high expectations for him.

After some thought, I'm sort of glad we don't have human children. For the benefit of the child, I think it's important for a child to have at least one sibling. I might have been ok with one kid, but I can't see us with two. I think siblings are our link to our past and our connection to the future. At some point, our parents will pass away and we're only left with each other. We need someone who knew us 50 years ago as a child and to share memories. "Remember the time when Dad..." or "I still can't believe Mom..." There's something to be said for parents who space their children 2-3 years apart. I think it might be grueling for the parents to have two kids in diapers and two kids in college, but the benefits for the siblings essentially sharing the same childhood are pretty cool.

Now, the other reason why I am so stoked. I GOT YARN!!!! And lots of it! I dumped out all four bags and um, wow. It's way more than I remember buying. I feel guilty. Ok, so my receipt says I saved over $1,000, but it's still money I didn't NEED to spend and could be better used on something more practical. QE is still fine with it even after seeing my loot. Maybe he knows my self-inflicted guilt is punishment enough. :) I can't believe how lucky I am to have such an understanding enabler for a husband. How can he be so generous with our money? He says my happiness is worth it. I am so blessed to have QE.

My loot is at least twice the size of last summer's haul. More Manos than I can count. Lots of yarn (like angora) that I would never have bought. So many Koigu my head is spinning. Two pattern books for $1 each!!!! Some funky Debbie Bliss yarn that looks like boucle. Two BAGS of it! I hate boucle. 20 balls. A bag of alpaca silk in bright pink. Hey! I was in the heat of the moment! I had to grab it before someone else did! :) What is hilarious is that at least one person walked in for needles not knowing about the sale and got swept up into the frenzy. I somehow convinced the woman behind me in line to buy 6-8 hanks of a varigated bright pink cotton. She's a quilter and has no idea what to do with the yarn. I told her if she didn't want it, I'd buy it, so she took it. HAHAHAHAHAHA Peer pressure works.

I spent some time last night sorting my beauties. I told myself at the store that some of what I was buying was for Frap. It turns out that there's not much I'm willing to give up, even for sale. I don't think it's selfishness or greed talking as much as an addict lusting for the high. Maybe what I should do is sell part of my loot (noooooo!) for a profit on auction sites. My shelf most certainly cannot hold all of my yarn. I think I must go fondle now.


emily said...

Believe me, if you don't want me to buy it, it will be a good thing. Self sacrifice! It is not the end of the world for me. ;)

goo2girl said...

Oh's all so pretty, but some were definitely for you, if you want it. Six hanks of Manos in bright pink plus more. All told, one shopping bag for you. :) And poor me if you don't want all of it. hahaha