Saturday, September 02, 2006

Apple of My Eye

Mini me, you complete me.

I haven't had much time to tinker around with the mini, and it's taking a while to adjust to new settings and methods of doing things. It's so darn cute though!

Angel had a good birthday, I think. QE said he sang Happy Birthday to her during the day. He went to the store looking for mini cupcakes but none were to be found. Instead, he picked up the next best thing, Oreos. After dinner, we called her downstairs to the main level by rustling the Oreo package and as she sloooowly came down the stairs, we sang to her again. Unimpressed, Angel made it very clear that it was her birthday and she wanted some Oreos already! We gave her crumbled cookies and she probably ate the equivalent of a quarter of a chocolate wafer.

1 comment:

emily said...

Glad Angel had her share of Oreos. ^^