Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Where's my limo?

I used to be nice and considerate while commuting to and from work. It got me pushed and shoved as others scrambled their way on the subway. While I am not rude, I've learned to hold my position while getting jostled and smacked around. Today, a nasty boy (18-22) leaned against me to keep his fat ass up while not taking his backpack off. To make matters worse, he looked like he had not washed his hair in a week. Gross.

I drive, walk and take a train to work. As a driver, I am careful not to tailgate or cut anyone off. As a pedestrian, I don't jaywalk or cross streets when I know I can't make it across in time. Without fail, many people will do exactly that. While I wouldn't wish misfortune on anyone, I must say that those who fail to obey traffic signals and jaywalk are asking to get run over. Maybe not DESERVE it, but they can't be surprised if they get run over if they knowingly crossed a street when they shouldn't have. Not surprisingly, I've seen several close calls when drivers don't expect to see humans running out between parked cars. It's always dumb, but especially stupid given the shorter daylight hours during the winter. Go on, cross the street illegally. I'll make sure to serve as the driver's witness.

One more thing...I am still amazed at how I (a hefty girl myself) manages to get the most obese person sitting next to me on the train. What's interesting is that two big women can manage to sit comfortably, but put a slight-build man next to me and I'm squished. Why do men need to spread their legs as if they are airing out their crotches? How do 120-lb scrawny guys manage to grow such broad shoulders the moment they sit down?


emily said...

LOL airing out their crotches!!!!

goo2girl said...

HAHA...I didn't mean it in a vulgar way and I am relieved that at least one person saw the humor in it. Over the summer, a bunch of rowdy teenagers were on the metro and one girl told her friend to close her legs bc nobody wanted to smell her. On a packed train! I did my best not to laugh. It still cracks me up.