Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Cara projectile-vomited on my face last night. I administered her medication last night and she started heaving with that inchworm/wave movement cats do. I wasn't sure what was going on but saw she had drool hanging off her face. Like the good mom I try to be, I grabbed a towel to wipe her face. Cara looked up at me and before I could wipe her face, she puked a vertical fountain, right on my face. So nasty. I have to say it was much grosser than having to wipe Angel's butt or any other motherly thing I've ever experienced. I started to dry heave uncontrollably. Between the thought of what just happened and actually smelling/seeing it, I was gone. Luckily, I didn't have dinner last night. I got home from work just before 8:00 p.m. and decided it was too late to eat. I was heaving so badly that QE didn't make me clean up the mess. I think he was totally grossed out having to clean up vomit while hearing me heave continuously. HAHAHAHAHA

1 comment:

emily said...

Oh NASTY. That's more gross than pnut throwing up in my hair.