Friday, April 11, 2008

Wii Are Family

We bought a Wii tonight. QE spotted a Wii in the very back of a display at Target. It was the only one. I have to admit that as many times as we saw it last summer and passed on it, I found tonight's purchase a joyful coup. Sure, the games look fun, but for me it was the thrill of the chase and "winning".

I left work early today since I had well over 40 hours as of yesterday. Bought cat food. Over $31 for a case. Ouch. Still less expensive than feeding ourselves for a week, so I can't complain. A case of food will feed Cara and Davis for 24 days. Penne, the cutie doggie from Pet Sage passed away on March 22. I held my tears as I expressed condolences to her mom, the shop owner. Penne was a big dog (chocolate lab?) who was getting on in years and had lots of physical ailments. We had not seen her in several months, but I was in denial about her illness and didn't want to know if she was still with us. She was a sweetie pie. Penne was very friendly to everyone and was always an excellent hostess. Once, she hobbled around the store looking for QE so he could pet her. He was charmed and smitten.

After getting cat food, I spent the rest of the afternoon applying sprinkles to cupcakes and finishing up my kangaroo. I could definitely get used to working part-time. My spirits were up, my mood good. All of this week's anger and frustration dissipated. I am seriously thinking of quitting next week. Life is too precious and short to put up with crap.


Bri said...

Working part-time has been huge for my happiness. I don't get sick anywhere near as often and am in general MUCH happier. So if you think it'll help you - try it out. It's pretty sweet :)

emily said...

If we didn't have to buy a house, I would do it...the unhappiness is just not worth it.

Congrats on the Wii. :) Ryan bought one through his company for us at discount and then discounted it some more as a bday gift. Can't wait to use it!