Sunday, June 08, 2008

Busy Bee

Here's some of my Ravelry loot. Note it's "some". heh heh...the too-small t-shirt is on its way. I also bought some yarn from a Raveler--there will be no evidence of that though. Ever. "Some" yarn is also on the way from Knit Picks. None is strictly for me. Sweater for piglet, monkey hats, and a few other small projects. I think that's all the goodies I have outstanding. Maybe. I hope. :)

I finished two bee hats and more than a dozen cupcakes. Loved the Rowan cotton. I was especially proud of knitting gauge without a swatch. Amazing things happen when using the yarn and needles called for in a pattern. Ok, the bee hat pattern was my own, but still. Very neat. And jogless joining of colors! I learned this on Kate, but I'm still tickled by how it works. Yep, I'm a dork.

The evil green onions and napa cabbage got sent to Grandpa Goo. The big white onion bulbs mocked me as I packed them up. Who knew green onions could be so darn big? They looked nothing like the puny things at grocery stores. The first thing my dad said was, "wow, what a great scent." Oh.BARF

We gave up the napa only because it was so darn big. It was very nice though. I guess we could have kept it, but sharing our bounty with dad was cool.

I told him about Polyface and now he's interested in some goodies. As a former chef, he has a weird snobbery about previously frozen meat. I'm not fond of it either, but I understand why Polyface does it. It didn't affect the flavor or texture presumably because it was properly packaged and handled. Meant to give him some eggs today too but forgot. Once he tastes these I'm hoping he won't buy Eggland's Best anymore. "But they are cage-free and have EB stamped on each egg!" I used to believe in the stamp too, til I realized the gub'ment is out to get me. :)

Oh. In planning for Father's Day, Dad said we shouldn't bother going out to eat since I'm "still" vegetarian and there's nothing I can eat. (still cracks me up) I told him that's my problem and can find something regardless of where we go. He finally relented. Plans for lunch on Sunday for now.


Bri said...

Those bee hats are just awesome - I'm so excited. It'll be interesting to see which Ash goes for first - the hats or the cupcakes!!!

emily said...

LOVE the bee hats. Absolutely LOVE them!