Thursday, June 19, 2008

Strawberry Sundae

I love QE. Sure, he takes good care of us (meoow?) and has lots of letters after his name on business cards, but he also allows me to buy yarn without limit. tee hee... I joined a swap on Ravelry and my goodie box has to include at least one hank/skein/ball of yarn. Poor me, I have to buy yarn. But in addition to the swap, I wanted to buy some for myself. I mean, not fair to buy yarn for others and not myself, right? :) I asked QE how much I was allowed to spend. He said I could buy whatever I want but "try to use restraint". BWAH! Does he know who he's talking to?! I mean, have I ever done anything half-ass? Have I ever not obsessed about something? I thought it was cute that despite knowing I don't need yarn, he loves me enough to allow me to buy to my heart's content. (Have I ever mentioned how easy it is to buy using PayPal?!) It's definitely emotional buying. But I figure it's better emotional eating right?

One of the moderators of my swap also dyes yarn. She's having a sale and free shipping. Great service, great colors, great prices. She does custom jobs too. She's in San Diego and has SD Chargers colors too. Oy. :) I can't wait to get my yarn. We won't say how much I bought, but I did get this (strawberry sundae):

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