Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Not sure how to say this...

but I think I love my Goo more than I love George. Sure, Robby is dead weight, but hearing John still makes my heart skip a beat. George will always have a place in my heart, but Goo Goo Dolls rock my world.

Oh, and if I was John, I would decline the Songwriter Hall of Fame's loser award...he's getting some award not for going into the HoF, but Starlight recognition...for up and coming, bright young talent. WHAT A CROCK. He's been in the business for 20+ years. How's that for up and coming. Alicia Keys, John Legend, John Mayer, Rob Thomas have all received this award in past years. Not knocking any of them at all. They are all very good. But John's been writing songs long before most of them. He and Rob Thomas made it big in the mid-90s. I'm fairly certain the others were still relatively obscure. John, take your award, pack it in some cat poo and ship it back to the No Talent Ass Clowns at the SHoF. (hee hee...I've been looking for an opportunity to use that line from Office Space!)


emily said...

you are too weird. when's george again?

goo2girl said...

July 29. QE and I are taking the entire week off to prepare and then recover. :) No, seriously. We're taking that whole week off. QE's idea!