Friday, June 06, 2008

CSA Week 2

sugar snap peas--soooo good, even raw!
oregano--never had fresh before! wow!!! The leaves are a bit fuzzy.
napa cabbage
kohlrabi--purple this time
garlic scapes
green onions--so big and so gross...totally getting dropped off at Em's
green and yellow squash--QE said they were perfectly smooth and flawless
broccoli--never seen such beautifully tight green buds before. Wish we got more of this. Only one tiny head. :(

We had the sugar snap peas with squash and oregano for dinner last night. With produce like this, I could totally go vegan. The squash were smaller than the 8-inchers at the store, but they were firmer, crisper and just had this different essence about it. The peas were awesome. Crisp and slightly sweet raw. QE didn't like it, but I was quite intrigued by it. I didn't know we could eat it raw and assumed it would be bitter. Man, with such goodies, I'm not sure I can ever go back to veggies at the grocery store. I am afraid I'll get spoiled by these fresh (and expensive) produce. We would never buy so much veggies on our own, so this CSA is a good thing. I was hoping for more turnips. Those rock on the grill. Kohlrabi was good on the grill too, but turnips are so much cuter and tastier. My only complaint would be that we don't get a lot of anything. It's just a sampling. Perfect amounts for two people, but I totally would have traded for more broccoli or sugar snap peas. Those darn onions are a monstrosity. Gyah. I would have preferred yellow onion instead of the nasty green stuff. Just having that in my fridge upsets me. :)


emily said...

what will you do with it? if it ends up at my house, you will totally get it back, so don't even try! :)

goo2girl said...

i'm telling you. IT WILL BE AT YOUR HOUSE THIS WEEKEND. and it may not be obvious like on your front step. :)