Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to...

George Michael! Who turns 45 today. I took today off from work just to celebrate.

Ok, not really. I planned on taking a few hours off for an appt and it kinda spun out of control from there. Despite the major running around, I absolutely LOVE having a day off. I asked the Nazi Dementor about working part-time and he flatly said no. A-hole wasn't even open to discussing what I had in mind--no talk about # hours, pay, logistics, nothing. "Can I work part-time?" --"No. End of discussion." My predecessor started out as full-time and went AWOL. As in showing up less than 40 hours in a MONTH. WTF I think I'll consider working a four-day workweek and taking a day off anyway. If he wants me to put in 40 hours, I'll put in 40. Go f yourself now, eh? I've digressed...this wasn't supposed to be a rant or vent (amazing how this particular company brings out all my rage)

I shared breakfast with Cara this morning. She enjoys having me around for bfast and acts especially excited on Fridays. How does she know when it's Friday anyway?? Mon-Thurs, she will circle around me as I cram stuff into my work bag. It took me a while to figure it out, but she waits for me to give her some of my bfast even as I am running out the door. So I will pick off some english muffin or waffle for her as I rush out. I eat bfast at home on Fridays. She sits and waits for me at the coffee table.

I picked up my first Polyface buying club order today. So awesome. The entire experience only took 5-10 minutes, but there's something cool about the community gathering around to pick up their food from a local farmer. Someone had a van full of snotty kids. Breeders. One threw a metal Hot Wheels-type of car at me while several others were running around the parking lot. Theoretically, it's fine to run around. Probably ill-advised given the number of cars going in and out.

Going to Trader Joe's on a weekday mid-day is probably like going to a playground--kids hanging off carts like monkeys in a cage. Oh my. It's days like this that I am so glad we chose not to have children. I hope my piglet does not turn like like the beasts I encountered today. He's got good parents who will teach and discipline him. Obviously not all kids are devils. But well-behaved ones are becoming rare. Just like SAHMs. Correlation????

1 comment:

emily said...

Happy Birthday, George! LOL!!! dude, your boss - wow. At least discuss it, eh???