Monday, July 17, 2006

Bunny Love

What a weekend. Nothing exciting happened, but I had fun anyway. I spoke to Jenny, and bought lots of stuff for her baby shower. It was so fun buying stuff off their registry. Apparently Frankie scanned everything in every aisle when Jenny wasn't looking. How awesome. My favorite item was a pink bunny in a white bathrobe and white bunny slippers. So cute. I think I may keep him for myself! :) I finished Latte's bear, sort of. I'm starting to hate that thing. It called for three skeins of yarn. Fine. I used slightly smaller needles, so the bear should have been a bit smaller than the pattern. So why did I run out of yarn??? I have enough to attach the ears, but that's it. There's still a hole in the crotch and I need to define the neck. I will have to get another skein to finish it up, assuming the same dye lot is still available. Not exactly thrilled at spending yet another $6 just for a yard of yarn. What a crock. And his stupid head looks really big. The pattern tormented me once, so I don't know why I decided to make it again. Argh. I am now focusing on a bunny blanket buddy pattern by Lion Brand yarn. It's one of those baby blankets with a doll head so it's a quasi doll-blanket mutant. It's for Jenny's baby girl. Have I said how excited I am she's having a girl???


emily said...

I'm telling you - I'll pay for the bear!

goo2girl said...

It's not about who's paying, it's the principle of it! That and I hate the bear's big ol' melon head. I have to go get more yarn and hope they still have the same dye lots. What a crock.

emily said...

Latte has a big head, too, so it's all good.

Don't tell her I said that. LOL!!! jk - we joke about big heads all the time.